14 Random Quotes By - Abigail Spencer

14 Random Quotes By - Abigail Spencer
14 Random Quotes By - Abigail Spencere

My mother was a teacher.

Abigail Spencer

'The Philadelphia Story' is one of my favorite movies, as is 'Bringing Up Baby.'

Abigail Spencer

I worked for 10 years before 'Mad Men,' and what was great is that when people saw my work, I was just loving working, so it wasn't about anything else than that.

I worked for 10 years before 'Mad Men,' and what was great is that when people saw my work, I was just loving working, so it wasn't about anything else than that.

Abigail Spencer

I love the Gulf of Mexico.

I love the Gulf of Mexico.

Abigail Spencer

I'm a big fan of teachers.

I'm a big fan of teachers.

Abigail Spencer

I'm always trying to get in water. It is the life source. It's extremely easy to dehydrate working 14 hours a day and on my feet all the time.

I'm always trying to get in water. It is the life source. It's extremely easy to dehydrate working 14 hours a day and on my feet all the time.

Abigail Spencer

I prefer active vacations. I really like the adventure aspect of it, and I also like a trip with intentions, where something will be gained on the other side of it. But I also like the option to just be there.

I prefer active vacations. I really like the adventure aspect of it, and I also like a trip with intentions, where something will be gained on the other side of it. But I also like the option to just be there.

Abigail Spencer

When I was a little girl, I watched old movies maybe shot at Paramount Studios, and the fact that every day I get to drive onto the lot and shoot a show that sometimes takes place in the '40s, it's very interesting.

When I was a little girl, I watched old movies maybe shot at Paramount Studios, and the fact that every day I get to drive onto the lot and shoot a show that sometimes takes place in the '40s, it's very interesting.

Abigail Spencer

Florida surfers learn how to be great on mediocre waves. It trains you, gives you endurance.

Florida surfers learn how to be great on mediocre waves. It trains you, gives you endurance.

Abigail Spencer

I love old Hollywood. I love our early film culture.

I love old Hollywood. I love our early film culture.

Abigail Spencer

I love nothing more than a good, rich, dark chocolate. It exhilarates. It satisfies.

I love nothing more than a good, rich, dark chocolate. It exhilarates. It satisfies.

Abigail Spencer

I feel like network didn't want me. I was doing all these pilots, and it never worked out. I was like, network doesn't like me. I'm going to go to cable where I'm appreciated. Then it was funny; I think I had to go to cable for network to appreciate me.

I feel like network didn't want me. I was doing all these pilots, and it never worked out. I was like, network doesn't like me. I'm going to go to cable where I'm appreciated. Then it was funny; I think I had to go to cable for network to appreciate me.

Abigail Spencer

Travel is the only way to get empathy for other people's mindsets - to know their struggles and what they're drawn to.

Travel is the only way to get empathy for other people's mindsets - to know their struggles and what they're drawn to.

Abigail Spencer

Chris Messina is awesome. He's amazing.

Chris Messina is awesome. He's amazing.

Abigail Spencer

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