18 Crucial Quotes By - Adam Rippon

18 Crucial Quotes By - Adam Rippon
18 Crucial Quotes By - Adam Rippone

I can't tone it down. I'm being me and being myself.

Adam Rippon

There's no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction - only a wardrobe opportunity.

Adam Rippon

Haters are fans in denial.

Haters are fans in denial.

Adam Rippon

I think I've shown the world I'm a fierce competitor, yes. But I've also shown them that I'm a fierce human being.

I think I've shown the world I'm a fierce competitor, yes. But I've also shown them that I'm a fierce human being.

Adam Rippon

I can't tone it down. I'm being me, and I'm being myself, and I'd be doing myself an injustice, and I'd be doing an injustice to those kids who don't feel like they're comfortable to be themselves.

I can't tone it down. I'm being me, and I'm being myself, and I'd be doing myself an injustice, and I'd be doing an injustice to those kids who don't feel like they're comfortable to be themselves.

Adam Rippon

I've used my sense of humor as a coping tool. It's gotten me through a lot of challenging times.

I've used my sense of humor as a coping tool. It's gotten me through a lot of challenging times.

Adam Rippon

I remember my mom let me stay up late and watch Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwan compete in the 1998 Olympic Games. I made paper medals and wore them the whole night. I didn't start skating until 2000, but I was so inspired by their skating that it was why I wanted to start.

I remember my mom let me stay up late and watch Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwan compete in the 1998 Olympic Games. I made paper medals and wore them the whole night. I didn't start skating until 2000, but I was so inspired by their skating that it was why I wanted to start.

Adam Rippon

It might come off as cocky, but I've been through a lot in my life.

It might come off as cocky, but I've been through a lot in my life.

Adam Rippon

I love to have my own story, my own path, and forge ahead because my career isn't going to be like anyone else's.

I love to have my own story, my own path, and forge ahead because my career isn't going to be like anyone else's.

Adam Rippon

When I am home in L.A., I love to stop by a yoga class or Soul Cycle session. There is nothing like doing some cycling in the dark to club music and candle light.

When I am home in L.A., I love to stop by a yoga class or Soul Cycle session. There is nothing like doing some cycling in the dark to club music and candle light.

Adam Rippon

First and foremost, I'm an athlete. And I'm an Olympian. I'm not a gay Olympian. I'm just an Olympian that's also gay. I don't mind reading that - like, 'gay Olympian Adam Rippon.' It's fine. I hope that, in a way, it makes it easier for other young kids who are gay. If they go to the Olympics, they can just be called Olympians.

First and foremost, I'm an athlete. And I'm an Olympian. I'm not a gay Olympian. I'm just an Olympian that's also gay. I don't mind reading that - like, 'gay Olympian Adam Rippon.' It's fine. I hope that, in a way, it makes it easier for other young kids who are gay. If they go to the Olympics, they can just be called Olympians.

Adam Rippon

Nobody loves me as much as I love me, so I guess I'll just be my own valentine.

Nobody loves me as much as I love me, so I guess I'll just be my own valentine.

Adam Rippon

I want to represent my country to the best of my abilities. I want to make Reese Witherspoon proud.

I want to represent my country to the best of my abilities. I want to make Reese Witherspoon proud.

Adam Rippon

I've always spoken my mind and from the heart.

I've always spoken my mind and from the heart.

Adam Rippon

I think it's so important for somebody like me to stand up for the things I believe in and speak up on things I don't think are right.

I think it's so important for somebody like me to stand up for the things I believe in and speak up on things I don't think are right.

Adam Rippon

For such a long time in my life, I didn't trust my own voice at all. I always tried to do what other people wanted.

For such a long time in my life, I didn't trust my own voice at all. I always tried to do what other people wanted.

Adam Rippon

I'm confident in who I and what I'm doing.

I'm confident in who I and what I'm doing.

Adam Rippon

I can't explain witchcraft.

I can't explain witchcraft.

Adam Rippon

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