18 Random Quotes By - Adam Rippon

18 Random Quotes By - Adam Rippon
18 Random Quotes By - Adam Rippone

I feel so honored that I've had the opportunity to share my story with so many people.

Adam Rippon

I really brought that with me: that people think gay people are disgusting... I remember thinking, 'Okay, I might be gay. But I won't tell anybody. Nobody will ever know.'

Adam Rippon

I love being on Twitter and interacting with different people. Also, I very dangerously love to go shopping online!

I love being on Twitter and interacting with different people. Also, I very dangerously love to go shopping online!

Adam Rippon

I can see my competitors sweating, and I am cool as a cucumber.

I can see my competitors sweating, and I am cool as a cucumber.

Adam Rippon

I personally don't have anything to say to Mike Pence. I'm very lucky because legislation that he's pushed hasn't affected my life at all. I spoke out because there are people out there whose lives have been affected by change that he's tried to make.

I personally don't have anything to say to Mike Pence. I'm very lucky because legislation that he's pushed hasn't affected my life at all. I spoke out because there are people out there whose lives have been affected by change that he's tried to make.

Adam Rippon

I'm proud of a lot of things I've said on Twitter.

I'm proud of a lot of things I've said on Twitter.

Adam Rippon

You have a personality like mine, it's for everybody... It's not just for some group of people.

You have a personality like mine, it's for everybody... It's not just for some group of people.

Adam Rippon

I'm really go-with-the-flow, but I take things really seriously. At the same time, when things don't go my way, I don't ever freak out. Why? Why freak out?

I'm really go-with-the-flow, but I take things really seriously. At the same time, when things don't go my way, I don't ever freak out. Why? Why freak out?

Adam Rippon

The first time I ever sang in front of a crowd of people was, like, 10,000 people in Japan at a skating exhibition.

The first time I ever sang in front of a crowd of people was, like, 10,000 people in Japan at a skating exhibition.

Adam Rippon

I don't think he has a real concept of reality. To stand by some of the things that Donald Trump has said and for Mike Pence to say he's a devout Christian man is completely contradictory.

I don't think he has a real concept of reality. To stand by some of the things that Donald Trump has said and for Mike Pence to say he's a devout Christian man is completely contradictory.

Adam Rippon

As soon as I broke my foot, I remember thinking that I'm going to make this the best thing that's ever happened to me.

As soon as I broke my foot, I remember thinking that I'm going to make this the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Adam Rippon

When I was young, to have had somebody out there to look up to... it would have made a world of difference; it would have changed my life.

When I was young, to have had somebody out there to look up to... it would have made a world of difference; it would have changed my life.

Adam Rippon

If I forgot to put something on, and I have to wear a trash bag, I'm just like, 'I'm gonna rock a trash bag today.'

If I forgot to put something on, and I have to wear a trash bag, I'm just like, 'I'm gonna rock a trash bag today.'

Adam Rippon

When you're not hiding anything, it's just very easy to be yourself - shockingly.

When you're not hiding anything, it's just very easy to be yourself - shockingly.

Adam Rippon

I'm like a witch! You can't kill me!

I'm like a witch! You can't kill me!

Adam Rippon

I know I am delusional at times, but I'm not completely-out-of-touch delusional.

I know I am delusional at times, but I'm not completely-out-of-touch delusional.

Adam Rippon

I know that I can do myself better than anybody else can.

I know that I can do myself better than anybody else can.

Adam Rippon

I love being active.

I love being active.

Adam Rippon

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