19 Splendid Quotes By - Adam Schiff

19 Splendid Quotes By - Adam Schiff
19 Splendid Quotes By - Adam Schiffe

Americans are blessed with great plenty; we are a generous people and we have a moral obligation to assist those who are suffering from poverty, disease, war and famine.

Adam Schiff

If giving points to some students to achieve greater diversity is a quota system in violation of the Constitution, how can the awarding of points to the children of a less diverse alumni be upheld?

Adam Schiff

Each year on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth, America has the opportunity to reflect on our nation's progress towards the realization of his dream.

Each year on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth, America has the opportunity to reflect on our nation's progress towards the realization of his dream.

Adam Schiff

Unquestionably, the world is better off without Saddam.

Unquestionably, the world is better off without Saddam.

Adam Schiff

The legacy of the Armenian Genocide is woven into the fabric of America.

The legacy of the Armenian Genocide is woven into the fabric of America.

Adam Schiff

Although every step must be taken to protect against a chemical or biological attack in America, our nation would survive the use of those weapons as we did when anthrax was mailed to our Capitol and other targets.

Although every step must be taken to protect against a chemical or biological attack in America, our nation would survive the use of those weapons as we did when anthrax was mailed to our Capitol and other targets.

Adam Schiff

So let us call genocide, genocide. Let us not minimize the deliberate murder of 1.5 million people. Let us have a moral victory that can shine as a light to all nations.

So let us call genocide, genocide. Let us not minimize the deliberate murder of 1.5 million people. Let us have a moral victory that can shine as a light to all nations.

Adam Schiff

America has a critical role to play as the most powerful member of the world community.

America has a critical role to play as the most powerful member of the world community.

Adam Schiff

But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.

But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.

Adam Schiff

It is now conventional wisdom that Americans do not care why we went to war in Iraq, that it is enough that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

It is now conventional wisdom that Americans do not care why we went to war in Iraq, that it is enough that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

Adam Schiff

But it is equally incontrovertible that if our intelligence gathering process is seriously flawed, we had better find out and find out fast if we are to avoid another Sept. 11.

But it is equally incontrovertible that if our intelligence gathering process is seriously flawed, we had better find out and find out fast if we are to avoid another Sept. 11.

Adam Schiff

The war in Iraq has been extremely divisive here at home, and has also divided the world community.

The war in Iraq has been extremely divisive here at home, and has also divided the world community.

Adam Schiff

Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling, and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.

Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling, and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.

Adam Schiff

Much has changed since the end of the Cold War that augurs well for the survival of our nation.

Much has changed since the end of the Cold War that augurs well for the survival of our nation.

Adam Schiff

The new century has brought on its own terrible dangers, which although not reaching the apocalyptic potential of the Cold War, still have the capacity to shake our world.

The new century has brought on its own terrible dangers, which although not reaching the apocalyptic potential of the Cold War, still have the capacity to shake our world.

Adam Schiff

We must either reduce the number of our engagements or increase the number of our troops.

We must either reduce the number of our engagements or increase the number of our troops.

Adam Schiff

The prompt assimilation of that intelligence will be essential if we are to avoid another September 11th.

The prompt assimilation of that intelligence will be essential if we are to avoid another September 11th.

Adam Schiff

An America that inspires hope in its ideals must complement an America that inspires awe in its strength.

An America that inspires hope in its ideals must complement an America that inspires awe in its strength.

Adam Schiff

Democracies are poor breeding grounds for terrorism and war.

Democracies are poor breeding grounds for terrorism and war.

Adam Schiff

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