8 Bonzer Quotes By - Al Jardine

8 Bonzer Quotes By - Al Jardine
8 Bonzer Quotes By - Al Jardinee

I like to be surrounded by harmonies and fullness and richness and vitality.

Al Jardine

I love driving; driving along the California coastline is the best drive in the world.

Al Jardine

It took me 29 years to finish that song. That's a typical Jardine move.

It took me 29 years to finish that song. That's a typical Jardine move.

Al Jardine

Music is more of a hobby to me than my hobbies, if that makes sense. I love music; my dad and brother were very musical, and music just happens to be one of my hobbies that became my vocation.

Music is more of a hobby to me than my hobbies, if that makes sense. I love music; my dad and brother were very musical, and music just happens to be one of my hobbies that became my vocation.

Al Jardine

Yes, my grandfather worked with Thomas Edison on the electric car, and he sold electric cars at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris.

Yes, my grandfather worked with Thomas Edison on the electric car, and he sold electric cars at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris.

Al Jardine

I'm pretty satisfied with how 'Postcard' turned out. I think everybody did a great job.

I'm pretty satisfied with how 'Postcard' turned out. I think everybody did a great job.

Al Jardine

It's a coup by the GOP to grab the governorship to California to make this place a safe haven for George W. Bush in 2004. It's incredible when you think about it. The recall cost the state $100 million.

It's a coup by the GOP to grab the governorship to California to make this place a safe haven for George W. Bush in 2004. It's incredible when you think about it. The recall cost the state $100 million.

Al Jardine

My family and I reside on a non-working farm, although we have a couple of horses and the usual stuff like pigs, cows, and chickens. We really don't have an honest-to-goodness farm, more of a hobby farm.

My family and I reside on a non-working farm, although we have a couple of horses and the usual stuff like pigs, cows, and chickens. We really don't have an honest-to-goodness farm, more of a hobby farm.

Al Jardine

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