Brill 15 Selected Quotes By - Alan Stern

Brill 15 Selected Quotes By - Alan Stern
Brill 15 Selected Quotes By - Alan Sterne

If two billion people wanted to watch a robot fly by Pluto, imagine what it will be like when the first humans step on Mars. It'll be the most unifying event anybody could ever put on.

Alan Stern

By going to Pluto, we have a chance to anchor, with real data, models of the early evolution of Earth's atmosphere.

Alan Stern

Pluto is as far across as Manhattan to Miami, but its atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's.

Pluto is as far across as Manhattan to Miami, but its atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's.

Alan Stern

When I started working with NASA in 1989 as part of a mission to send spacecraft to Pluto, I knew it would take at least 10-15 years to see results of my efforts.

When I started working with NASA in 1989 as part of a mission to send spacecraft to Pluto, I knew it would take at least 10-15 years to see results of my efforts.

Alan Stern

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Alan Stern

One of the implications of the discovery of the Kuiper Belt and its many small planets is that many scientists now think of the solar system as having not two but three zones.

One of the implications of the discovery of the Kuiper Belt and its many small planets is that many scientists now think of the solar system as having not two but three zones.

Alan Stern

Liquids may have existed on the surface of Pluto in the past.

Liquids may have existed on the surface of Pluto in the past.

Alan Stern

We're going to find Marses and maybe Earths out in the solar system's attic of the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt.

We're going to find Marses and maybe Earths out in the solar system's attic of the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt.

Alan Stern

People know a planet when they see one, and I think that's a pretty darn good test, in fact, for planethood.

People know a planet when they see one, and I think that's a pretty darn good test, in fact, for planethood.

Alan Stern

Either data supports the observations or they don't. Voting doesn't work in science.

Either data supports the observations or they don't. Voting doesn't work in science.

Alan Stern

If you go to planetary science meetings and hear technical talks on Pluto, you will hear experts calling it a planet every day.

If you go to planetary science meetings and hear technical talks on Pluto, you will hear experts calling it a planet every day.

Alan Stern

I just think it's patently absurd for scientists to categorize objects on the basis of the numbers of objects that they can remember.

I just think it's patently absurd for scientists to categorize objects on the basis of the numbers of objects that they can remember.

Alan Stern

We were very surprised to find out that Pluto is still geologically alive. It has upended our ideas of how planetary geophysics works.

We were very surprised to find out that Pluto is still geologically alive. It has upended our ideas of how planetary geophysics works.

Alan Stern

I'm hopeful that commercial space exploration will takeoff. To really fuel the spaceflight revolution will require an investment of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and I think that's only going to happen in the commercial sector - if there are large profits to be made.

I'm hopeful that commercial space exploration will takeoff. To really fuel the spaceflight revolution will require an investment of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and I think that's only going to happen in the commercial sector - if there are large profits to be made.

Alan Stern

To say that what a planet is doesn't matter would be to imply that a planetary scientist couldn't explain to someone what the field is about.

To say that what a planet is doesn't matter would be to imply that a planetary scientist couldn't explain to someone what the field is about.

Alan Stern

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