4 Strange Selected Quotes By - Ali Smith

4 Strange Selected Quotes By - Ali Smith
4 Strange Selected Quotes By - Ali Smithe

I met an internationally esteemed writer at a literary party being given in her honor. She was wearing a beautiful pink, flouncy, frilly dress. I complimented her on it. She said, 'Ach, it's my nightgown. I couldn't decide what else to wear.'

Ali Smith

I'm quite good on the harmonica and can get a tune out of most musical instruments, so long as the tune is 'Oh Susannah.'

Ali Smith

Every great narrative is at least two narratives, if not more - the thing that is on the surface and then the things underneath which are invisible.

Every great narrative is at least two narratives, if not more - the thing that is on the surface and then the things underneath which are invisible.

Ali Smith

The world asks us to be quickly readable, but the thing about human beings is that we are more than one thing. We are multiple selves. We are massively contradictory.

The world asks us to be quickly readable, but the thing about human beings is that we are more than one thing. We are multiple selves. We are massively contradictory.

Ali Smith

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